Reactor Group 2
Name: Robert Lazar
Title: Senior Staff Physicist
Education:BS,MS, Physics, Electrical Technology. Robert Lazar Joined the team in 1988 as a staff physicist specializing in the reconstruction of Nuclear Reactors. He has proved invaluable in the reconstruction of our reactor as well as later showing some aptitude while working on the drive systems them-selves. Lazar was later terminated for illegally allowing civilians to view restricted tests. Please Click Here for further information on the Reactor Back Engineering Project.
The Greys are an Alien Species most likely from the star system around Zeta Reticula(pictured left). They currently have an agreement with the United States Government an occupy some of the lower levels here at S-4. They have currently supplied us with about 4 different ships, which are now in the testing phases. For further information please click on the picture located to the left.